joi, 9 aprilie 2015

LWP (82)

Saptamana este aproape terminata si eu inca nu am postarea gata.
Sa trecem la treaba!

The week it's almost over and I haven't posted this yet.

Let's get to business!
Family got bigger!

A new #NOTD involving stamping using @bornprettystorenailart stamping plates . HERE / O noua manichiura foloinf placute +BornPretty BPS 

Good Morning! Although it`s cloudy I can see the mountains / Buna dimineata! Chiar daca este innorat se pot vedea muntii.

Fluffy skies!

Good morning! Let the weekend begin! Brasov! Here we come! 

From Brașov with ❄!

Vederea de dimineata.*ignorati cablurile 

Not much, but proud ! ❄

Beautiful country #Romania 

Supa crema de morcovi si mere! Delicioasa!  La Bistro de L'Arte Brasov.

This was my week.

Aceasta a fost saptamana mea.
Pentru mai multe detalii legate de Semimaratonul Brasov puteti citi ACEASTA postare.

See U Soon!