vineri, 16 mai 2014

Make-up Practice

Postarea de astazi ma face sa am emotii.
In urma cu o saptamana, in weekend, eu si cateva prietene am scapat din capitala intr-o locatie rurala,aproape de natura. Aceasta escapada mi-a oferit oportunitatea de a mai exersa abilitatile in ale machiajului.
Today's post makes me nervous. 
A week ago, during the weekend my friends and I escaped the capital city to a rural location, near the nature.This escape gave me the opportunity to practice my make-up skills.

Prietenele mele au fost curajoase lasanadu-ma pe mine sa le machiez.Cateva au stiut ce vor, altele mi-au dat mana libera ("dar sa iasa bine ").
My friends were brave enough to let me do their make-up.Some of them had an idea of what they wanted, others gave me a free hand.

Am o idee ce tip de machiaj mi se potriveste mie, dar pentru forme diferite ale fetei si ochilor este un pic mai dificil (tinand cont ca fac acest lucru din placere si nu imi dau silinta sa studiez in particular). Cu aceasta ocazie vreau sa le multumesc prietenelor mele ca m-au lasat sa exersez.

I kind of know what type of makeup suits me, but on different face shapes and eyes is a bit difficult (take notice that I do this for pleasure and I am not hard working enough to study on my on).I want to say "thank you" to my friends for letting me practice on them.

In poza de mai sus se regasesc o parte din produsele folosite.Le-am rugat pe prietenele mele sa isi aduca produsele preferate de machiaj, asa ca masa s-a umplut.
In the above picture is a small part of the products I used. I asked my friends to bring their favorite make-up products, so the table filled up.

Amintindu-mi acum intregul proces pot sa spun ca am trecut peste cativa pasi (nu importanti),insa stiu ce sa fac data viitoare.
Remembering now the hole process I can say I skipped a few steps (not importants), but know I know what to do next time.

Destula cu vorba, iata pozele (click pe ele pentru a le mari):
Enough chatting, here are the pictures (click on them to enlarge):


Am uitat sa ii fac o poza lui Cris inainte de a o machia, asa ca am decupat-o dintr-o poza facuta in aceeasi zi.
I forgot to take a "before"picture of Cris, so I cropped one taken during the day.

Ordinea pozelor de mai sus este si ordinea in care le-am realizat machiajul.Ar fi trebuit sa fac un contur mai pronuntat Deliei si cu siguranta i-ar fi trebuit gene false! (data viitoare cu siguranta le vom aplica).
The above pictures order is the order I did their make up. I wished I did more conturing on Delia and for sure she needs some false eye lashes! (next time will happen)

La sfarsit mi-am facut si eu machiajul.
At the end  I did my make-up to :-)
Am si o poza in timpul "lucrului"☺
I even have a picture during my "working"time ☺
La sfarsit un "selfie" ☺
At the end a "selfie"☺
Ce credeti pana acum? Stiu ca am nevoie de practica, dar trebuie sa incep undeva.
What do you think so far? I know I need more practice, but I have to start somewhere.

See U Soon!