sâmbătă, 9 noiembrie 2013

NOTD: Holiday GR 78

Hello, hello!
Yup, stiu ca nu este un titlu fancy, dar oja aceasta, nr.78 chiar ma duce cu gandul la vacanta, asa ca nu schimb numele! :-P
Yup, I know it's not a fancy title but this nail polish, no. 78 makes me think of summer, so I won't change the title! :-P

Dupa cum deja stiti colectia Holiday de la Golden Rose este o colectie de 31 de lacuri texturate de tip sand, cu finish mat sau mat "zaharos" cum este denumita de cei de la Golden Rose.As you already know the Holiday Collection from Golden Rose has 31 nail polishes texture/liquid sand type, matte or "sugary" matte, as they call these nail polishes.

Oja prezentata astazi este o nuanta puternica de portocaliu, as indrazni sa spun chiar neon.
In sticla oja prezinta un shimmer argintiu superb, shimmer care odata cu aplicarea pe unghie nu este atat de intens sau chiar putin vizibil.
Today's nail polish is a strong shade of orange, a neon one I would dare to say.
In the bottle the nail polish has a discrete silver shimmer but once you apply it on your nails is not that visible. 
Oja este aplicata in doua straturi, al doilea aplicat dupa ce primul s-a uscat pentru a obtine un efect cat mai zaharos.Aplicata inntr-un singur strat nu ofera acoperire perfecta.
It's applied in two coats, the second one applied after the first one is completely dry to obtain a stronger "sugary" effect.One coat doesn't have a great coverege. 

M-am indragostit de aceasta culoare si regret ca nu am avut-o si in vara. Va dati seama ce frumos se vede pe o mana bronzata?
I'm in love with this shade and I regret it wasn't in my collection this past summer. Can you imagine how cool it would look on a tan hand?

Se indeparteaza usor de pe unghie in comparatie cu alte oje texturate (precum OPI Stay the Night sau P2 Confidential).
Is easy to remove it compared with other sandy effect nail polishes (like OPI Stay the Night or P2 Confidential).

Acum de abia astept sa revina vara sa o port intens (o port si acum daca doresc sa imi inveselesc ziua :-D)
Now I can't wait for the summer to wear this nail polish as much as I can (I wear it this season if I want to cheer up my day :D).
Ati incercat pana acum vreo' oja Golden Rose din colectia Holiday?

Have you ever tried any Golden Rose Holiday nail polishes?

Alte oje Golden Rose ce fac parte din colectia mea puteti vedea accesand urmatoarele link-uri (CTRL + click pentru a se deschide in tab nou):
You can see my other Golden Rose nail polishes by clicking the below links (CTRL + Click to open a new tab). Note that not all the post are in English:
Golden Rose Paris 32
Golden Rose Matte 09 si Golden Rose Care + Strong 165
Golden Rose Fantastic Color nr. 169
Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 111
Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 112
Golden Rose Care + Strong nr. 104 folosita ca baza in aceasta maniciura/used as a base in this manicure
Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 101
Golden Rose Carnival 09
Golden Rose Carnival 12
Golden Rose Carnival 14
Golden Rose Impression 04
Golden Rose Rich Color 42

See U Soon!

PS. Ultimele poze cu unghiute lungi (cu exceptia ojelor deja incercate si fotografiate). Astazi le scurtez :-(
PS. This are my last pictures with nails this long (except nail polishes already swatched and photographed). Today I'll shorten them.