marți, 1 octombrie 2013

LWP (62)

Hello, hello!
In ultimele zile vremea a fost groznica, a plouat non-stop, baltoace mari cu apa,apropape a trebuit sa vaslesc intr-o barca pana la munca!E rece,ploua, bate vantul!Urasc vremea!
Sper ca unde va aflati voi vremea sa fie mai buna

The last couple of days the weather has been awful here, non stop raining, big puddles of water, almost had to go rowing in a boat to work!.It's cold, it rains, it's windy! Hate it!
Hope were you are the weather is better.

Ok, m-am plans destul, haide-ti sa va arat saptamana mea in imagini:
Ok, I complained enough, so let me show you my last week pictures:
Monday Blues Post (HERE)

 To drink or not to drink? That is the question :D
Let me tell you I drank and it was really good, I think my new alcoholic favorite drink :-)(I don't have a lot)
*Nota: am baut-o si a fost foarte buna, cred ca a devenit una din bauturile mele alcoolice preferate( nu am foarte multe)

 It's time for hot milk cocoa / Cacao cu lapte ♥

New post today, p2 Sand Style (HERE)

Pizza time!
 My hair is curled. Used a #Remington double barreled tong. / Am folosit ondulatorul dublu Remington

Romexpo goodies! / Puteti citi mai multe AICI

 Desert time: biscuits vanilla cream with cherries pie, yummm / Tarta cu biscuiti, crema de vanilie si cirese, yummm

Acestea au fost pozele mele. Cum a fost saptamana voastra?
These were my pictures.
How was your week?

See U Soon!