luni, 12 august 2013

Monday Blues: Sparkle Avon Opal vs. GR Jolly Jewels 101

Hello, hello!
Pentru astazi am pregatit un post 2 in 1: o manichiura albastra si un scurt review.Asa cum spune si titlul am comparat Avon Opal  cu Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 101, amandoua peste Rapsodi nr. 343, o oja turceasca.
For today I've prepared a 2 in 1 post: a blue manicure and a short review. As the title says I've compared Avon Opal top coat with Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 101, both of them over the Rapsodi no. 343, a Turkish nail polish.

Oja Rapsodi este o culoare frumoasa de albastru, opaca in 2 straturi.
Rapsodi it's a beautiful blue color, opaque in 2 coats.

Peste aceasta manichiura am aplicat, incepand cu degetul mic, un strat de Avon Opal, apoi un strat de GR JJ 101.
Over this manicure I've applied, starting with the small finger Avon Opal, next GR JJ 101.

Lumina Naturala/Natural Light:

Asa cum puteti observa diferenta este foarte mica intre cele doua top coaturi.
Trebuie sa spun ca cea de la Avon are bucati de glitter (cu toate ca eu cred ca sunt un fel de scoici) mai mari/grele, deci mai vizibile pe unghie. Este greu sa le iei pe pensula si sa le aplici dintr-un singru strat.Trebuie sa repeti aplicarea, iar a 2-a oara trebuie sa fii insistent pentru a face bucatiile de scoici sa ramana pe unghie.
Cea Golden Rose se aplica un pic mai bine, singura diferenta constand in pensaula subtire, care te face sa repeti aplicarea (sau sa aplici pe jumatate de unghie, "reincarci" pensula si aplici si pe partea cealalta).

As you can notice the difference is very small between the two top coats.
I must say that the Avon one has bigger/heavier chunks of glitter (although I think are some kind of crushed shells), therefore more visible on the nail. It's hard to get them on the brush and apply them in one coat. You have to dab the brush into the bottle 2 times and then dab it over the nail to make the chunks stay there.
On the other hand, the Golden Rose applies better, the difference is the thiner brush so you have to dab it also 2 times in the bottle (or apply half of the nail, "reload" the brush with product and finish the hole nail), but you do not have to worry about the crushed shells.

Imi plac amandoua la fel de mult.
I like both of them equally :D

Care este preferata voastra? 
Which is your favorite?

See U Soon!